Life Change Happens Now: 21 Days Devoted Day 2

DAY 2 OF 21
Psalms 51:10, Proverbs 16:2, Psalms 119:9, Philippians 2:3
Check My Heart & Motives
Life change occurs as our hearts and motives are purified! Sometimes we believe the lie that we need to fix our issues and perfect our hearts and motives before we come to God. There may have been times where we let shame and guilt get in the way of building a relationship with God. The truth is, as we draw near to God, we are able to bring Him all of our brokenness and flaws. We will always fall short of perfection and that is why we need and have Jesus, to save and renew our lives. It's about progression, not perfection! God blesses who you are, not who you pretend to be. He desires a relationship with you! As we lean into a relationship with God, life change will happen through His love, leading us to repentance and restoration. We repent for the times we missed the mark in the way we think, speak, and love in our lives. We accept forgiveness and correction from the Lord. Today, ask yourself, "What areas in my heart and in my motives can I surrender to the Lord, that would change me into being more like Him?" Imagine how our lives and the lives of those around us can be changed through this time, as we allow God to have His way in our hearts and minds! These 21 Days Devoted will not just impact your life, but will have lasting impact upon those around you who you love as well.
Put It Into Practice
  • How is God speaking to you about your heart and motives today?
  • What areas have you tried to fix on your own before submitting them to God?
  • What would it look like to experience life change during this time of prayer and fasting to be more like Christ? 
Lord, I thank you for your grace and mercy. I thank you for your goodness and love that is for me and will never leave me. I pray that you illuminate areas in my heart and motives where I am operating out of impurity. I repent for thoughts and actions that have missed the mark. I pray for your guidance and wisdom. Speak to me today! Renew my heart, restore my motives, and may my life change bring honor to You. Amen.


Jasie Randol - January 16th, 2024 at 10:02am

Day 2 take away...

I noted in my journal today the quote, "we will always fall short at perfection, and that is why we need and have Jesus to save and renew our lives. It's about progression- not perfection." Needed to hear that.

My life change experience would look like becoming more humble and selfless, as well as only having and keeping my eyes on doing what God is called me to do while not being bothered with impressing people on this earth.

Here's to it! 🫶✌🏼#21daysatefa

Jasie Randol - January 16th, 2024 at 10:46am

My Day2 worship focus song would be Fix My Eyes by Evan Craft & Ke'Erron