

We have a fun service for your children from grades 1-6! Each service includes worship, games, activities, snacks & more! We engage every child with a lesson from the Bible and encourage them to hear from God each and every service. This is a time for your children to have fun and engage with one another by hearing and acting on God's word. We know God has a plan for each child, and we want to help them reach their potential!

Our Pastors

We have an incredible team who are ready to teach your children how to navigate their journey with God! We have a heart for the next generation and we believe they are more than capable to take care of our future. We hope to see your children soon!

Sumer Warnock

"The highlight of my week is seeing our kids’ faces light up when they come to church. I pray that we can instill a love and hunger for Christ that will last forever. The goal is to train and equip the students and leadership to impact the world with the gospel.

Teaching is a big part of my life as I serve as a sixth grade English, science, and Bible teacher. My husband and I are passionate about raising our ten kids to love and serve the Lord. Since a very young age, I have felt led to care for the orphan in any capacity I am able."

Crystal Lovvorn

"I have been at EFA since August of 2021. It is my desire for our students to learn how to grow in their relationship with God. I want to come alongside families to help challenge our kids to be the people God has created them to be in this world. I am passionate about continuing to build relationships and community.

Before coming to EFA, I was a theatre educator & director. I love the art of storytelling through creative means. I still try to be involved in the theatre world. I teach, direct, design and sometimes build with various companies, when I’m able."

Our Mission & Values

Matthew 22:36-40

We believe that children are the future. We believe in providing a safe and loving environment where children can feel accepted and be themselves. We believe that service and missions are crucial parts of our ministry that can start at any age. We believe in becoming positive role models for our school and community. We understand that 85% of all Americans that accept Christ usually do so between the ages of 4-14. Therefore we do not take the responsibility lightly of equipping children with a strong faith that lasts a lifetime. We believe in supporting family growth throughout the ministry. We strive for our children to be  powerful in prayer, to respond in Worship, be spirit empowered, be biblically fluent, are actively serving, be bold in faith, are giving selflessly, and living and loving like Christ.

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Service Times

Kid's Building


9:00 & 10:30am





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