What's Next?

. Congratulations! You have decided to dedicate your life to following Jesus. The decision to accept Jesus Christ as lord and savior of your life is the most important decision you will ever make. You’re at the beginning of a spiritual journey, and we want to help you out along the way. Join us as we guide you toward the next steps in your walk with Christ.

I've made the decision to follow Christ!

What does it mean to follow Christ?

 We believe in God as the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are all one God and are joined together into what we call the Trinity. As a fully devoted follower of Christ, you are a new creation made to live for Him. We are all born with a sin nature. Because of our sin, we are unable to have a relationship with God without forgiveness. We can’t earn God’s forgiveness – it must be given. Jesus gave His life as a sacrifice so that we could be forgiven. We must accept this free gift from God by committing our lives and heart to Jesus. God wants to have a relationship with us and He’s given us ways to know Him better. As we get to know God, we better understand His plan for us and we can strive to be more like Jesus.

Make Prayer Part of Your Day

Just like any other relationship, we need to invest time and effort into getting to know who God is and what He wants for us. Prayer is talking to God, and there’s nothing more powerful than asking for God’s help. "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." Philippians 4:6 NLT

Read the Bible

The Bible is the supreme source of truth for Christian beliefs about living. It’s God’s Word written specifically to guide us through life. "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right."  2 Timothy 3:16 NLT

Listen & Worship

Talking to God isn’t a one-way street – He wants to talk to us, too. Take time to learn His voice and listen to His direction for you. Any time we give God credit for His goodness, we are worshipping Him. When we pray, serve, or help others in their faith, we are following God’s will and showing our gratitude for who He is. "Honor the lord for the glory of his name. Worship the lord in the splendor of his holiness." Psalms 29:2 NLT

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